Q: Why should I sign up for a coffee subscription?
A: Well, for alot of reasons! You like great coffee, you want to spice things up a little and taste the freshest coffees from around the world (some of which we don't even let hit the shelves in our cafe or webstore!), and you want to save some cash in the process on shipping and on these great coffees!
Q: Ok thanks, but what IS a coffee subscription?
A: A Coffee subscription is the end to all of your troubles! You sign up for a 1, 3, 6 or 12 month subscription, plug in your shipping information and grind-choice if necessary and on the first tuesday of every month we will send you two of our finest micro lot single origin coffees or espressos in the mail!
Q: What if I forget to renew it?
A: On the final month of your subscription, we will include a friendly reminder in your package and via e-mail. Simply give us a call, e-mail or re-apply on our webstore.
Q: I really like your coffees, can I receive larger bags than 12oz for my subscription?
A: You sure can. We don't have this option setup on our webstore yet, but we do have a 4lb (2x 2lb bag) and 8lb (2x 4lb bags) option available for those who a bit more and/or businesses. Give us a call at (250) 743-5200 or e-mail us at mail@drumroaster.com to find out more!
Q: Can I purchase a subscription for a friend, family member, wedding gift, etc?
A: Of course you can! You can do this by a) simply using the giftee's name/address in the shipping information during checkout on our online store.
Q: But I don't want to spill the beans on this and I like to give something with physical... you know... like a card of sorts.
A: We've got you covered! We have options for COFFEE SUBSCRIPTION GIFT CARDS available. No fuss, no muss. The giftee' can simply take care of all of the work on their end to redeem it. You look like the champ for gifting some great coffee's and they are forever in your gratitude!
Q: How do those work?
A: Each of our gift cards is associated with a unique PROMO CODE for the value of a coffee subscription that the user can simply redeem at check-out on our webstore.
2) Select your duration, country of origin and grind preference.
3) Click the little shopping cart in the right hand corner and 'check out'
4) Fill in your shipping information and use your 'promo code' located on the front of the gift card (it is case sensitive!) and apply.
5) Follow the remaining prompts (if you decide to add any other goodies, you will be asked for your payment info for the remaining balance)
Q: I don't even know what the internet is, can't I just give you a good old fashioned phone call to redeem my subscription?
A: No problem. You can redeem these over the phone!
1) Give us a phone call Monday - Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm PST @ (250) 743-5200.
2) Mention on the phone you have received a coffee subscription, the duration of the subscription and the 'PROMO CODE' in the bottom right hand corner on the front of the card.
3) Give us your Name, Shipping Address, E-mail to send your shipping-tracking information and grind pereference if necessary.
4) Hang up the phone, sit back, relax, and know that shortly after the first tuesday of each month you'll be in single origin coffee heaven!
Q: This sounds great, I will take all of them.
A: That's not really a question, but thanks!